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CNDEAs Bill 25 Responsibilities​

Established in August 2006 – by DEAs of NU to act as a unified voice of parents in Nunavut, the Coalition of Nunavut DEAs (CNDEAs) is a non-government organization that receives funding from various sources, including the government of Nunavut and member DEAs. It represents the third voice in education – the voice of parents – alongside the other two voices, the Minister, and the educators who are represented by the Nunavut Teachers Association. In April 2006, the Coalition plans established an office in Iqaluit to serve DEAs.

The CNDEAs focuses on the following strategic priority areas:

  1. DEA Support
  2. Communications
  3. Organizational Development

The recently passed Bill 25 has created new responsibilities for the CNDEAs. The following is a brief summary of duties/responsibilities (as per Education Act 2020 – Bill 25).

DEA Support & Assistance

These items require the Coalition to develop its own internal capacity.

– Assist suspended DEA to become able to exercise its powers, perform its duties and fulfill its responsibilities adequately under this Act and the regulations as/when requested by Minister.

– Provide assistance to DEAs in developing school improvement plans.

– Support district education authorities in the development of any teacher orientation programming they provide.


These items require the Coalition develop the capacity in DEAs.

– Provide training to DEAs. Administrative including records management, reporting, etc.

– Governance including bylaw adherence, communications, record-keeping (minute-taking), reporting, etc.

– Technical including:

  – Developing school improvement plans.

  – Developing and deliver teacher orientation programs.


These items must be done regularly to ensure that the Coalition can meet its administrative obligations.

  1. Name a representative to sit on each hiring panel used for the hiring of senior regional staff of the department.
  2. Meet with staff of the department twice annually to assist the Minister in long-term planning for the public education system regarding:

   – Roles and responsibilities of district education authorities.

   – Any matter under this Act on which the DEA Coalition must be consulted.

   – Education program, including the curriculum, bilingual education, and inclusive education.

   – Territorial targets for literacy, bilingualism, attendance, school environments, and discipline.

  1. Provide consultations to Minister on the following:

   – To determine if the dismissal of the members of a DEA can be avoided by the Minister.

   – Assisting DEA to become able to exercise its powers, perform its duties and fulfill its responsibilities adequately under this Act and the regulations

   – Proposed contents of new regulations including drafts of the regulation.

   – Proposed amendments to regulations including drafts of the amending regulation

  1. Prepare and submit Annual Report to Minister within the six months of the end of each fiscal year that includes:

   – Financial report.

   – Report on the operations and activities.

   – Report on the state of education in Nunavut from the perspective of district education   authorities and communities, including:

     – Incorporation and fostering of Inuit societal values and the principles and concepts of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit in the public education system.

     – The education program.

     – Implementation of bilingual education and inclusive education goals, and;

     – Roles and responsibilities of district education authorities.

   – Reports on other matters related to the education system, if requested by the Minister prior to the end of each fiscal year.

  1. Review and revise (if required) bylaws to ensure the following:

   – Any district education authority may become a member.

   – A DEA cannot be expelled or suspended as a member.

   – Only provide membership to DEAs, the Nunavummi Disabilities Makinnasuaqtiit Society, or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated.

   – DEA members make up at least 30% of NuCDEA directorship positions.

  1. Register bylaw changes “as soon as practicable after registering a change to its by-laws under the Societies Act.

The Goals of the Coalitions of DEAs

1. Communications

  • Increase visibility of Coalition in media.
  • Providing a Coalition website that is useful to DEAs
  • Publish Coalition newsletter

2. Training and Development for DEAs

  • Increase DEA understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

3. Board and Staff Development

  • Provide information to DEAs to help attract quality of DEA Board members and be better advocates for change.

4. Research & Monitoring

  • Increase visibility of Coalition in media.
  • Providing a Coalition website that is useful to DEAs
  • Publish Coalition newsletter

5. AGM Planning

  • Increase DEA understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

6. Advocacy on DEA Issues

  • Provide information to DEAs to help attract quality of DEA Board members and be better advocates for change.

7. Networking

  • Increase number of partners working with Coalition to achieve goals.